Pebble beach

Pebble beach
The holiday in Sligo became a source of enchantment for our family. Venturing to the picturesque pebble-filled beach, my husband, children, and I found ourselves immersed in the timeless joy of collecting stones. The beach, adorned with nature's treasures, offered a canvas of smooth and textured pebbles waiting to be discovered.
As we spent precious moments picking up stones, turning them over in our hands, and each choosing our favorites, the beach transformed into a realm of shared delight. The act of selection became a personal connection with the beauty of each stone, a ritual that transcended the ordinary. It was a magical experience, etching memories that would linger long after the holiday ended.
Carrying those moments back home, armed with photos taken on the beach, I embarked on the artistic journey of painting these cherished pebbles. Each stroke on canvas is infused with the spirit of that magical day, a testament to the joy found in simple pleasures and the enduring allure of nature's wonders.