No place like home 120cm x 120cm
Painting pebbles is fascinating to me. The way the light shines on the wet surface and how each one has a different texture or feels translucent. This painting collection has special significance. I brought my kids to the beach and we all chose our favourite pebbles. Watching the kids get totally engrossed and excited about this is just amazing. I cant resist picking up stones when Im on the beach. We have also decided to bring all of our pebbles back to the beach once Mammy is finished painting them. I love this idea. Returning the pebbles is just as important as collecting them. Im always banging on about saving the world to my kids, so this is a lovely way to teach them about the environment too, because, if everyone took a bucket of pebbles home there would be no beach to come back to!

Wild Atlantic
This is a mix of Spain and Ireland. Lagos waves and Irish Erris in Mayo in the background. This painting found its new home in Switzerland. I so loved painting this. I love the wild waves.

Making memories 70cm x 90cm
Making memories with our family is really important to us isn’t it? I find this new series of painting pebbles so satisfying. It brings me back to my childhood whenever I stand on a stoney beach. I just cant resist picking up a smooth coloured stone. Trying to the perfect one to keep forever. I think we all do that? I want my kids to look back in years to come and know that they where part of these paintings. Symbolising family, fun, and breezy days on the beach collecting pebbles!

Daydreaming SOLD size 40cm x 80cm
This painting was inspired by the idea of day dreaming. When I was painting this I could almost feel the warm water flowing over my feet. That view from underneath the water is so beautiful and brings the viewer off to special place.

Rockpool sold 80x80cm
This painting was inspired by all those times when I was down by the water and peering at pebbles below the surface. It’s easy to be transfixed as you watch the and listen to the water flowing over the rocks. It’s also the way the sun shines and catches the colour and patterns. I can almost feel my toes stepping onto those smooth pebbles. Mesmerising.

Daydreaming SOLD size 40x80cm
This painting was inspired from the overwhelming feeling of tranquility it gives to he viewer. The reaction I got from this was incredible. People find this one breathtaking which is exactly how a painting should feel!

Beyond limits 30x30mm
To capture a wave just before it crashes is such a gift. I love zooming in on the details.

A blue room for a sunset seascape. I love creating a mock up a room with the painting on the wall. Its a great way to see how a painting might look in your home.

Tribe SOLD 30x30mm
Taking a trip to the beach to choose our favourite pebbles is something I love to do with my kids. Its a very special memory that I will hold forever.

Kindred Spirit 70x90mm
Capturing the energy of the sea is what I strive to do. Its like finding a kindred spirit and that connection is so powerful

Pebbles of wisdom 70x90cm
Bray pebbles are what I used for this one. Collected by me and my son. What a fabulous day out it was.

Connected 70x90mm
Connected to the sea. Standing by the waters edge and watching the waved rush towards you. Simple and powerful.

Stepping stones SOLD 40X40cm
These pebbles are from Greystones.

A moment of calm SOLD 100x80 cm
This painting is now Sold. A moment of calm 100cm x 80cm. I want to give the viewer an opportunity to step away from the drama of life and to purely enjoy a moment of complete serenity.

Seas the day SOLD 50X50cm
This is the second painting from my under water series. The way the light trips over the stones is what I love about this one

A moment of calm SOLD 100cm x 80cm seascape
This painting is Sold. A moment of calm 100cm x 80cm. I love the idea of stepping into a moment of calm. Giving yourself permission to stop and listen. To simple enjoy a fond memory or take a breather from our busy lives.

Pause SOLD 70cm x 50cm seascape
This painting has sold. Original painting is 70cm x 50cm
Pause is an invitation to stop for a moment and simple enjoy a sense of calm.

Pause SOLD 70cm x 50cm ocean wave
Original painting is 70cm x 50cm
Pause is an invitation to stop for a moment and simple enjoy a sense of calm.

Take a breath SOLD 100x00cm
Take a breath €1,950. Original painting 100cm x 100cm

Energise SOLD 100X 50cm
Energise is Sold. The Original painting is 100cm x 50cm. This painting has sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop.

The Now SOLD 150x50cm
Original painting is 150cm x 50cm. €2,100

Take a breath. SOLD 100X100cm
Original painting 100cm x 100cm

Dark Ocean SOLD 80x80cm
Dark Ocean €1,800 Original painting 80cm x 80cm

Dark Ocean SOLD 80cm x 80cm
Dark Ocean Original painting 80cm x 80cm
Skimming stones SOLD 100x70cm pebbles
mSkimming stones SOLD .Original painting 100cm x 70cm. This painting has sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my shop.

Skimming stones SOLD 100x70cm pebble beach
Skimming stones SOLDS. Original painting 100cm x 70cm. This painting has sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my shop.

Serenity SOLD 40x50cm the ocean
Size 40cm x 50cm.

Serenity SOLD 40x50cm seascape
Serenity €600 40cm x 50cm. This paining always makes me feel so uplifted and relaxed. I just loved capturing the light as it tripped off the surface of the ocean. These are definitely my favourite combination of colours at the moment.

Believe SOLD 80x120cm sunset
Believe SOLD. Original painting 80cm x 120cm
This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Believe SOLD 80x120cm evening sunset
Believe SOLD. Original painting 80cm x 120cm
This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Summer Sun SOLD 150cm x 100cm sunset seascape
Summer Sun 150x100cm

Summer Sun SOLD 150x100cm sunset
Summer Sun SOLD. The original painting is 150cm x 100cm

The awakening SOLD 60x80cm original art
Original painting 60cm x 80cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Clarity SOLD 40x60cm original art
Clarity SOLD. Original painting 40cm x 60cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Clarity 40x60cm SOLD pebble painting
Clarity SOLD. Original painting 40cm x 60cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Liquid gold SOLD 70x100cm SOLD
Liquid gold SOLD. Original painting 70x100cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Liquid Gold SOLD
The original paining has sold. This painting reminds me of being on holiday. I love seeing in a mock sitting room.

Clan SOLD 40x150cm
I really wanted to show this painting in situ. Clan is all about family and this painting has a very special place in my heart. When I painted this I was expecting my second child. The fish represent each member of our little family. So there are actually four people in this painting. It was the fist time I painted something just for me, and not as as commission. For that reason I decided to keep this one and never sell it!

Clan 40x150cm SOLD Koi carp painting
Clan SOLD. Original painting 40cm x 150cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Express Yourself
This painting is all about self expression. I wont lie, I found this painting a real challenge. It was banished to a corner of my studio for months until I found the courage to push myself allow the painting to have its own self expression. I stopped worrying about being perfect and that when this painting came to life!

Clan SOLD 40x150cm Koi carp
Original painting 40cm x 150cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Blue Haze SOLD 80x100cm ocean painting
Blue haze SOLD. Original painting 80cm x 100cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Reflect SOLD 40x40cm original art
Reflect SOLD 40cmx40cm

The Journey Begins SOLD 30x100cm The ocean
The journey begins 30x100cm SOLD. This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

The Journey Begins SOLD 30x100cm ocean painting
The journey begins 30cm x 100cm SOLD. This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Hidden treasure SOLD 70x90cm pebble painting
Hidden treasure SOLD. This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Silver Strand SOLD 30x30cm SOLD fine art
Silver strand SOLD. Original painting 30x30cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Koh Pi Pi SOLD 50x100cm beach painting
Koh Pi Pi SOLD. Original painting 50x100cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Luna 50x60cm SOLD moonlight painting
Original painting 50x60cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

The Perfect Place SOLD 60x80cm original art
The perfect place 60x80cm

Pebble Pop SOLD 25x30cm fine art painting
Pebble Pop SOLD. Original painting 25x30cm This painting has already sold but you can find excellent quality limited edition prints in my print shop

Stop And Listen SOLD 40x40xm
I like to invite the viewer to stop and listen when ever the opportunity presents itself. Being at the waters edge and watching how the light catches on the water between the pebbles is so beautiful to me. I never tire of this.